
荣誉论文和皇冠投注的学生一样五花八门. 论文的范围从人文和科学的原创研究, 到教学作品集, 视频制作, 表演和创意写作. 您可以随意访问下面的链接. 皇冠投注希望他们能在你写论文的时候帮助你.

Honors theses may be written by both honors and non-honors students. Honors students 必须 complete a thesis in order to complete the 荣誉项目. Non-honors students may choose to complete a thesis in order to earn departmental honors.

Each thesis writer selects a faculty member or two to serve as a mentor. Students will be wise to allow four semesters and the intervening summer for the entire process. 的 first of those semesters (usually Fall of the junior year) may be spent in speaking with faculty members, 探索选项, 并开始缩小主题或项目的范围. Honors students will take their departmental honors course during this semester. 在第二学期, the student will work with the thesis advisor(s) to develop the thesis proposal. 对于荣誉学生,这意味着要选择HN397或398.

在夏季和最后一年的两个学期, students will be doing their research and working steadily on their projects. We highly recommend scheduling regular meetings with your thesis advisor and keeping to a calendar of intermediate deadlines as the surest way to complete the thesis, which will be the crowning achievement of your undergraduate education.


一般来说, students should submit their thesis proposal a year before they plan on graduating. Deadlines for proposals are in early March (usually the Friday before Spring Break) and mid-September of each year.

论文初稿, 由你的论文导师批准, 应该由另一个读者来读吗, 大约在学生计划毕业前一个月.  在做了任何修改之后, 基于第二个读者的评论, the final thesis should be submitted at least a week before graduation.